Anthology - 013 - The Last Flight (The Twilight Zone S01E18) + Master of the World (1961)

This week, Matt reviews episode 18 from The Twilight Zone’s first season: The Last Flight. He concludes the episode with a bonus review of the 1961 film Master of the World, written by Richard Matheson adapted from the work of Jules Verne.

Tweet your thoughts on the podcast and The Twilight Zone itself @ObsessiveViewer. You can also reach the show on Anthology’s Facebook Page, email at Matt(at)ObsessiveViewer(dot)com, or call and leave a voicemail for the show: (317) 762-6099.

Runtime: 41:29


Intro - 00:34

Housekeeping - 01:52

  • The Last Flight - 05:40
  • Obsessive Viewer Promo - 32:25
  • Bonus Review: Master of the World (1961) - 33:32

Outro - 37:35

Show Notes