I couldn't be more excited to kick off SHARK WEEK on the Biz Women Rock podcast with Kate Steadman and Sharon Bui, Founders of Frill! Frill provides affordable fashion solutions for sororities during rush week, when they demand dresses/styles that follow a certain theme. Within their first 3 years of business, these ladies generated $400,000 in revenue, proving that their is a huge market! They went onto Shark Tank (show aired on March 6, 2015) and secured a deal with Barbara Corcoran and Kevin O'Leary for $100,000 for 30% equity in their business. In this incredible interview, Kate and Sharon share how the back office process of their business is run, why they decided to go on the show, how they prepared for it (in the most creative way I've ever heard of!), and what has really happened after they made their deal! http://BizWomenRock.com/shark-weekshark-tank-kate-steadman-and-sharon-bui-of-frill
Publié le par Katie Krimitsos
Business Women Rock
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