A yard (symbol: yd) is a unit of length in both the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. Since 1959, a yard has been defined as exactly 0.9144 meters. It is also equal to 3 feet, or 36 inches.
A foot (symbol: ft) is a unit of length in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. A foot was defined as exactly 0.3048 meters in 1959. One foot contains 12 inches, and one yard is comprised of three feet.
The yard is a unit of length measurement equal to 3 feet or 36 inches. The international yard is legally defined to be equal to exactly 0.9144 meters.
The foot is a US customary and imperial unit of length. Feet can be abbreviated as ft; for example, 1 foot can be written as 1 ft.
Converting measurements can be daunting, but converting yards to feet is actually pretty easy! Since there are 3 feet in 1 yard, all you have to do is multiply the number of yards you have by 3 to get your conversion.
If your yards measurement has a fraction in it, convert the fraction to a decimal first. Then, you can multiply by 3 to get your answer.
Conversely, if you need to change feet to yards, divide the number of feet you have by 3 to get your answer.
For example, here's how to convert 5 yards to feet using the formula above.
5 yd = (5 × 3) = 15ft
Also you can learn more about convert feet to centimeters right here: