Au-delà du schéma classique de l'amour monogame et du couple, il y a les plans cul, les sexfriends, le sexe sans lendemain et sans attaches. Pour parler de ça, et des applis de rencontre qui permettent la culture du "hook up", on a invité l'auteur Richard Mèmeteau, philosophe et auteur de "Sex Friends, comment (bien) rater sa vie amoureuse à l'ère numérique.
- Emissions
- Comic Sans MST
- Sex Friends et Plans Cul
Publié le par Pauline Ferrari & Simon Arrestat
Pauline Ferrari & Simon Arrestat
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
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Unleash Your True Self
15 min a day to reflect on yourself and develop your self-awareness
The Unleash Your True Self Podcast is a self-development podcast hosted by Houefa Gbaguidi, a French transformational coach.
Its aim is to help you to gain confidence and reveal your true self, so that you could live a more purposeful life, aligned with your values and your identity.
Listen to those episodes and take 15 min of your time only for yourself and self-reflect.
You can find this podcast on all the platforms like Apple Podcast, Spotify or Google Podcast.
You can follow me on Instagram at
Take care !
Music "Sappheiros - Embrace" is under Creative Commons licence (cc-by) Music distributed by Breaking Copyright:
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Belleville, un espace pour penser autrement.
Belleville, un espace pour penser autrement.
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Wild Ideas Worth Living
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