What happens when you pit old school next to new school in the cheese world? Find out this week on a brand new episode of Cutting the Curd, as Greg Blais is joined by Jos Vulto of Vulto Creamery and Franklin Peluso, a third generation cheesemaker from California. Tune in to hear their stories and learn what it’s like in the life of a cheesemaker. From raw milk production to inspections – get some real life insight into what it’s like making cheese for a living. This program was sponsored by The International Culinary Center.

![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1150896_1405058413042494_1051493638_n.jpg?oh=af2373ee4bda2e6690e19c02d586dfd6&oe=53F5DE2F& gda =1407849460_ccc4a318857bbeea47c78ce8657560e5)

“You’re always faced with a number of challenges – transportation, getting it out to the right people at the right time and the promotion of the cheese. As far as production goes – I don’t think i’ve had a lot of problems in the past but that doesn’t mean there won’t be problems in the future.” [13:00]

–Franklin Peluso on Cutting the Curd

“I find the transformation from fluid milk to hard pressed sweet nutty cheese just amazing.” [28:00]

–Jos Vulto on Cutting the Curd