Show #260


JOHN FULLBRIGHT  - Happy (Songs)

GINA VILLALOBOS - Hold On To Rockets  (Sola)

DOUG PAISLEY - To and Fro  (Strong Feelings)

TREVOR ALGUIRE - Miles Away (Miles Away)

(mic break)

KACEY JONES - You've Tried the Patience Out of Me  (Amen For Old Friends

ROD MELANCON - South Louisian' (Parish Lines)

MARSHALL CHAPMAN - I Don't Want Nobody (Blaze of Glory)

JOHN FULLBRIGHT - Never Cry Again  (Songs)

(mic break)

DAVID G SMITH - Made For You  (One House)

TWIN FORKS - Can’t Be Broken (Twin Forks)

HARD WORKING AMERICANS - Stomp and Holler  (Hard Working Americans)

BRUCE ROBISON & KELLY WILLIS  - Lonely For You  (Our Year)

(mic break)

JOHN FULLBRIGHT - High Road  (Songs)



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(June 23rd, 2014)

Bill Frater

Freight Train Boogie