In which Rachel finally gets to say "WHAT?!," we examine three variations on the Silver Age, Twin Peaks is reality TV, we can't believe you hired Hitler, Angel is not Batman, even the most sympathetic Xavier is still pretty creepy, Cyclops has a good day, Marvel Girl is not going to throw a dinosaur for you, Iceman is the Troy Barnes of the X-Men, and we say a fond farewell to the Silver Age.


The X-Axis
X-Men: Children of the Atom
Hard-sell noir
How to party like it's sometime between 1986 and 1991, as filtered through 1999
The perils of over-referencing
Why Marvel is in the Tommy Westphall Universe
The worst guidance counselor ever
Villain speeches
X-Men: First Class (but not that one)
Fun, and several places to find it
Angst-free X-Men
Gender politics of superheroism
X-Men: Season One
The solution to the Silver-Age-Jean Grey problem
Why Iceman matters
The Silver Age cram book

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