Tous les matins entre 6h et 9h, Alex et Tiffany vous réveillent sur Chérie FM. Réécoutez l'émission ici avec le 8h/9h.
- Le Réveil Chérie
- Le 8h-9h du Réveil Chérie
Publié le par Cherie FM France
NRJ Group
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
La musica da amare!
“L’Attimo Fuggente” è un programma in diretta, condotto in studio da Francesco Amoroso e Raffaello Russo, e va in onda ogni lunedì, dalle 21:00 alle 23:00 su in streaming ovunque ci sia un computer:
”L’Attimo Fuggente” tenterà di offrirvi ciò che c’è di più interessante nel mondo della musica. Attraverso la radio e anche attraverso la sua pagina di Facebook. (!/pages/LAttimo-Fuggente/156113034401531).
"L’Attimo Fuggente", grazie a rubriche, piccoli speciali e monografie in pillole, tante novità, ma anche recuperi dal passato prossimo e remoto, vorrebbe mettere in primo piano le emozioni nella musica.
Ogni lunedì, ovunque voi siate, rilassatevi e cogliete l’attimo fuggente.
Parafrasando il protagonista dell’omonimo film degli anni novanta: “Non ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché è carino: noi ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché siamo membri della razza umana; e la razza umana è piena di passione. Medicina, legge, economia, ingegneria sono nobili professioni, necessarie al nostro sostentamento; ma la musica, la bellezza, il romanticismo, l'amore, sono queste le cose che ci tengono in vita”.
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Foot Stompin Free Scottish Music Podcast
Our regular free Scottish music podcast from Scotland featuring the very best of Gaelic, Scots, bagpipes, fiddle, harp music, Scottish bands, ceilidh bands, highland Scottish music, pipe band, traditional, folk and celtic. Visit Foot Stompin for all things Scottish.
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Caipirinha Appreciation Society: Brazilian music beyond the clichés
specialists on Brazilian music old and new
Iconic podcast specializing in Brazilian music old and new, since December 2004. From MPB to Tropicalia, from Samba to Soul, from Indie to Choro - always beyond the clichés.
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Steampunk Sounds - Steampunk Music
Electronic Classical Music
Steampunk Sounds - Steampunk Music
Listen 24/7 at
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BRB UK Podcast
It’s no secret that most of the gaming news out there is based out of the US. So, it’s about time that there was a gaming podcast that brings you the best of British – and that show is the Big Red Barrel UK Podcast. Make sure you join your hosts Dan, Ti
It’s no secret that most of the gaming news out there is based out of the US. So, it’s about time that there was a gaming podcast that brings you the best of British – and that show is the Big Red Barrel UK Podcast. Make sure you join your hosts Dan, Tim and Coleman for your weekly fix of British gaming news and reviews.
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The Firnecast.
Occasionally filthy, upsettingly funny, and pretty much f-ing amazing, it's THE FIRNECAST!!! Dan and Mandy are your hosts for a comedic adventure brought to you from Ten Sleep and Worland, Wyoming. Local color, weird news, interviews with people you wish
Occasionally filthy, upsettingly funny, and pretty much f-ing amazing, it's THE FIRNECAST!!! Dan and Mandy are your hosts for a comedic adventure brought to you from Ten Sleep and Worland, Wyoming. Local color, weird news, interviews with people you wish you knew, and topics including aliens, ghosts, and hobo fires... Put us in your ear holes!!!
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