It’s going to get so nerdy! More than usual- this is going to be a 12 off the nerd scale so get ready! We've got The legendary Cymatic Bruce a VR Evangelist, DDR World Champion, Co Founder of Alt Space VR, and just a fabulous blerd! We are going to revisit some of our favorite Sci-Fi and Fantasy movie epics like Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, The Matrix Trilogy, leading into a discussion about the Witcher and how best to enjoy this diverse fantasy epic (you can tell what I did over the break). And in the main event Bruce leads us in a conversation about video games and tech by first talking about the god father of video game consoles... Jerry Lewis, who was an early Black Silicon Valley engineer and creator of the Fairchild Channel F. He’s kind of like Bruce’s Obi Wan because through him we get Bruce’s origin story, and being Black and navigating the tech and video game world. This of course launches us into so many conversations about the Black Silicon Valley Exodus, toxic masculinity in the competitive video game world, the history of marketing video games to boys how that came to be, and the inclusivity of some pockets of the video game world over others and the direction it’s all heading in. Get your Star Wars Mandalorian Nerd goggles on and your Witcher’s Sorcerer's tarp on because you well get wet... with all this sweet sweet nerdtastic talk.


Cymatic Bruce:, Twitter: @CymaticBruce, YouTube, co-founded Silicon Valley Virtual Reality (SVVR), an international organization for VR professionals and pioneers; AltspaceVR, a socialVR platform that has since been acquired by Microsoft; created and delivered hundreds of hours of science curriculum via The Tech Museum in San Jose; accrued over a million views of his gaming/VR video content; and has presented, performed, and competed worldwide.

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