Our discussion of the films of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee continues. More Cushing-Lee for the Pushing-Lee! This week's Main Attraction is the Amicus horror anthology Dr. Terror's House of Horrors. Andy reviews Assimilate for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette.
Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:
- Jim Bolding
- Cassie & Jeremy Burmeister
- Bill Fahrner
- Blake Heath
- Amanda James
- Alise Kombrinck
- Jeff Lancaster
- Tree & Alex McNulty
- Ernest Perez
- Mark Watts
- Branan Whitehead & Emily Intravia
- Iona Goodwin
- Adam Ingram
- Additional financial contributions by Amy & Freddy Morris
“Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.
Night of the Living Podcast’s chief contributors are:
- Mikey B
- Andy Hung
- Kelley Kombrinck
- Amy Morris
- Freddy Morris
The podcast is produced and engineered by Amy & Freddy Morris.
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