With Lucy leaving me because she was appalled by the awful things that Matt Forney and I were talking about, I'm now left to host this show by my lonesome. Fortunately, I cajoled the artist Clayton V, who does the neato opening segments and other artwork for Bernard Chapin's channel to sit down and talk about a variety of topics, among which include:

The Punks for Trump t-shirts... want one? Email me at edoslanatgmaildotcom

Grand Rapids is the Bible Belt

His time living in San Francisco and its culture of segregation, experiences with different groups of people, soft muggings, the reality of race relations – cops shooting black guys – and media involvement.

And at 30 minutes, we talk about PORN; the porn industry, the laws, rules and regulations involved, different levels of censorship in different countries, how porn actresses and use porn as a form of promotion, and cover pretty much every angle of the industry.

Then, around the hour mark, we get back to politics and talk about deficit spending, open borders and Donald Trumps presidency and how it will affect the national deficit and social security.

And we close out with Orlando, FL and gays buying guns, how gays shouldn’t try to be “acceptable”. John Waters.

GOP recalibrating because of the AltRight, and outsiders disrupting the Republican party.

National deficit, federal reserve, libertarian policy ideals, free market

How Clayton is actually an altruistic, good-hearted Freemasons who volunteers his time for the needy.