Organ Artists Series guest organist Vincent Dubois joins Jim Cunningham to talk about his recital in Pittsburgh at St. Paul Cathedral in Oakland Friday night October 28 7:30pm   Bach is included in the French masterworks plus Saint-Saens' Danse Macabre for Halloween, Cesar Franck and Maurice Durufle. Dubois is one of the three organists at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. He discusses the state of the renovation which French President Emanuel Macron says will be finished by December of 2024. The accordion in his musical world, the French and Halloween and many other musical topics in this beautiful soufflé!  With Ken Danchik, Associate organist at St. Paul Cathedral, who teaches at the University of Pittsburgh.  He is Dean of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, teaches for the Pittsburgh Organ Academy, and is a charter member of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Pastoral Musicians.