You might have heard the topic pop up in conversation and many studies have agreed on the same thing: customer loyalty is dropping, and fast. With so many options out there to choose from, consumers are more likely to explore and switch to new brands more than ever before. 

So how does your brand cope in the digital era when it feels like 5 new competitors crop up every day? There are a lot of elements you will need to work into your strategy but one essential practice that every entrepreneur should be focusing on is truly connecting and engaging with your audience. 

Loyalty is a word that gets thrown around a lot lately. It’s important for us to understand that the loyalty of our audiences isn’t something that should be taken for granted. 

In this episode, I share my tips on how you can build brand loyalty with your audience and what you can do to grow an authentic personal brand that your audience can relate to. Make sure you have your notebook and pen ready for this one, you’re going to need it!

Essential Learning Points From This Episode:

  • Even influencers like Gary Vaynerchuk or Marie Forleo had to start at zero followers at one point.
  • Finding out what your audience wants all comes down to listening to your audience. And there is no better way to do that than asking them directly. 
  • Consistency is key to building an audience. Remember: you want to be somebody’s favorite.
  • It takes courage to go out there and show everyone what you are all about. Be bold and have faith in you and your message. Your true audience will love you for it.
  • Much, much more!

Important Links & Mentions From this Episode:

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