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Le podcast qui éclaire votre relation avec votre cheval
Dans Les Chevaux Explorateurs, nous allons explorer ensemble les notions d'autonomie, de lien, de mouvement, de motivation, et bien d'autres encore. Moi, c'est Émilie, et je vous accompagne dans vos interrogations, dans la découverte de nouveaux chemins, et surtout dans la construction de la relation dont vous rêvez avec votre cheval.
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Design +

Laurent Gallen
Design + est le podcast sur le Design. Écoute des épisodes avec des designers français qui partagent leurs connaissances et leurs expériences sur l'UX Design, l'UX Research, l'UI Design et le Product Design. L'objectif du podcast est de comprendre leur métier, leurs méthodes et de les partager avec toi pour te faire grandir dans ton métier. Deviens membre Premium de Design + ► https://designplus.supercast.com/ → Tu peux écouter tous les épisodes en entier depuis 2019, tu peux écouter les nouveaux épisodes plusieurs semaines en avance, tu as accès à des bonus Premium.
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Equal parts "Mad Max" and "The Stand," this post apocalyptic saga is set in a world 15 years after the collapse of the world as we know it. A brother and sister grow up in rural Maine and unwittingly embark on a adventure to save the City from the religious zealots and ruthless military fight for control over the fallen world. An epic serialized audio drama adventure with 30+ actors, cinematic sound design and original music. Winner of Mark Time Award for sci-fi audio and finalist in Romania's Grand Prix Nova award. For more shows like this, visit Realm.fm.
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Trente Six

Ou l'on parle d'amour, d'amitié, de douceur et de bienveillance
Comment est-ce qu'on tombe amoureux? C'est la question que s'est posé le Dr Aron lorsqu'il a crée son questionnaire, 36 questions to fall in love. On y parle d'intime, de rêves, de doute, d’espoir. Moi, je pense qu'il n'y a pas besoin de vouloir tomber amoureux.se pour se parler à cœur ouvert, et qu'on oublie parfois de se dire a quel point on tient aux gens qui nous sont chers. Je suis donc allée poser ces quelques questions à mes amis les plus proches, à mes amours, à des connaissances
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Le Chasseur est un fiction sonore de Francois TJP. Avec Naide Lancieaux, Thibault Rispal, Tristan Lohengrin, Fallen Swallow & Jill Lyandja
Le Chasseur est une fiction audio en 21 épisodes publiés en temps réel. Elle s'intègre dans l'univers "Chroniques de la Terre Gelée" créé par Tristan Lohengrin et François TJP
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Roleplay show Français
RPG est un podcast de jeu de rôle animé par Fallen (MJ) et une belle communauté de rôliste. Ils partageront leur aventure au travers de différents épisodes. Plutôt axé sur les thématique horrifique, ils vous entraîneront sur divers versant de la folie et de l'horreur.
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Rosalie Vanderpoel, the daughter of an American multimillionaire marries an impoverished English baronet and goes to live in England. She all but loses contact with her family in America. Years later her younger sister Bettina, beautiful, intelligent and extremely rich, goes to England to find what has happened to her sister. She finds Rosalie shabby and dispirited, cowed by her husband's ill treatment. Bettina sets about to rectify matters. She meets Lord Mount Dunstan, an impoverished earl, who lives nearby and they fall in love, but he cannot speak because it would look as if he were after her money... This is a romance but it is also about the rejuvenating effects of Americans and American money on a somewhat decadent English aristocracy. (Summary by Tabithat)
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A podcast dedicated to the AMC TV shows, The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead
If you love The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead, then this is your one stop podcast! Join me, Jasmine, and my dad Michael on a journey into the undead, as we uncover everything about The Walking Dead universe. As you listen to each podcast episode we'll be uncovering the secrets that each episode holds and together we'll fall in love with the characters and the hordes. Whether you're a new fan of the AMC shows or an old one it doesn't matter! So come join us as we review and talk about each episode and season starting from the very beginning. You don't need to be a Walking Dead comic book reader to listen to this show.
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The Emmaus Project Podcast

Emmaus Project Podcast
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of th…
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of theology. If you love theology, interviews and a few laughs here and there, this is the podcast for you. Welcome to the Emmaus Project podcast where we remind you that Jesus loves exposition. Here at the Emmaus Project podcast we are all about exposition. Our favorite preachers are expositors, we ourselves are expositors and we are convinced of the importance and need for exposition. Our name comes from Luke 24:13-33. In this passage, the two disciples were walking home after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As they were traveling, Jesus approached them and they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were discussing and the disciple answered things about Jesus the Nazarene. The disciples failed to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus then began to explain the Scriptures to them. It is the Emmaus Project podcast’s firm conviction that the world has two fundamental problems, they do not understand the Scriptures and they misunderstand Jesus. It is our goal to explain the Scriptures and encourage our listeners to fall in love with the Word of God. It is our heartfelt desire to have God’s Word as the authority of the church. So join us for this Christ centered, biblical concentrated, and Gospel focused podcast. Caleb Hilbert- Pastor/Teacher at Little Salmon bible Church in Pollock, Idaho Ty Hilbert – Musician/Youth pastor at Grace Bible Church in Gillette, Wyoming Dustin Clay- Podcast Guest
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Chaque semaine, Lionel Fauthoux, du réseau des écoles La Salle, nous aide à comprendre la vie des ados et aide les ados dans leur parcours scolaire.
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