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Green IO

Green IO with Gaël Duez explores how to reduce the environmental impact of our digital world. Twice a month, on a Tuesdays guests from across the globe share insights, tools, and alternative approaches, enabling all responsible technologists, within the Tech sector and beyond, to build a greener digital world, one byte at a time.
Green IO with Gaël Duez explores how to reduce the environmental impact of our digital world. Twice a month, on a Tuesdays guests from across the globe share insights, tools, and alternative approaches, enabling all responsible technologists, within the Tech sector and beyond, to build a greener digital world, one byte at a time.
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L'internationalisation du droit, thème central de la chaire d'études juridiques, n'est pas une catégorie comme le droit interne ou le droit international, mais un mouvement qui les transforment l'un et l'autre, l'un par l'autre, en créant une tension entre le relatif et l'universel. Devant l'échec de l'universalisme, qu'il s'agisse du marché, des droits de l'homme, de l'environnement ou du droit pénal, la tentation est de revenir à la conception traditionnelle du droit identifié à l'État. Mais face à la globalisation des flux (flux financiers et flux d'information), des risques (écologiques, sanitaires ou biotechnologiques) et des crimes (de la corruption au terrorisme), la réponse ne peut se limiter au droit national. D'où la recherche des conditions d'une internationalisation pluraliste qui ne renonce pas à la diversité des systèmes mais apprend à les ordonner autour de principes communs. The internationalization of law, the central topic of the Chair of Legal Studies, is not a category like domestic or international law, but a movement that transforms one by the other, or one into the other, and creates tension between relativism and universalism. Considering universalism's failure (in the areas of the market, human rights, environmental law and criminal law), it would seem reasonable to prefer the traditional conception of law identified with the state. But domestic law cannot by itself cope with the globalization of flows (of money and information), risks (ecological, sanitary and biotechnological), or crimes (from corruption to terrorism). This is why the Chair's research into how to realize pluralist internationalization focuses on accepting diversity and finding ways to organize the various systems around common principles. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
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Mind Over Matters Sustainability Segment Podcast

Mind Over Matters Sustainability Segment
The Sustainability Segment presents one-on-one interviews with inspiring leaders and grass roots activists on a variety of environmental, social, and economic issues affecting life and the future of our planet.
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Off Track

ABC listen
Off Track, with Ann Jones, is an Australian radio show and podcast which combines the relaxing sounds of nature with awesome stories of wildlife and environmental science, all recorded in the outdoors.
Off Track, with Ann Jones, is an Australian radio show and podcast which combines the relaxing sounds of nature with awesome stories of wildlife and environmental science, all recorded in the outdoors.
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Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession

Delaplaine Productions
A discussion around urban sprawl in Calgary and its effect on biodiversity and people
The rapid pace of Calgary’s expansion since the 50s raised questions from academics and concerned citizens, who described it as a perfect example of urban sprawl and deemed it unsustainable from the human, economic and environmental point of view. This podcast is a series in 3 episodes that aims at exploring this question, through interviews with experts to discuss the threats associated to this phenomenon from three different points of view: the threats towards Calgary inhabitants, the threats towards biodiversity and the threats towards the cultural heritage of Indigenous people. This podcast was created as part of the Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program run by CPAWS.
tous les 5 résultats