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The Menu

Our guide to the world of food, drink and entertaining, The Menu serves up interviews with the world’s most creative chefs, introduces the makers behind the scenes and the ingredients that will soon be landing on your restaurant table.
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Gardenfork Radio is Maker, DIY, Urban Homesteading, Cooking, Gardening, Home Improvement, Beekeeping and other fun stuff. There's always a ton of stuff swirling in my head, and it doesn't all make it into a Gardenfork show, so I thought, why not make a DIY podcast? Visit our site for videos and podcasts, and all sorts of cool stuff : http://gardenfork.tv
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Compagnie KeatBeck
Voyagez au cœur de l’aventure C R A F T ! Retrouvez les créateurs d'un projet vidéo-danse centré sur l'artisanat.
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le podcast C R A F T ! C’est le support audio qui vous fera voyager au cœur de l’aventure C R A F T. Vous y retrouverez les artisans, les collégiens et les artistes au cours de leur cheminement vers la création d’une vidéo-danse. Avec ce format, nous vous invitons à naviguer avec nous au détour des conversations, entre le bourdonnement des machines et le choc des outils, le flux des idées et les instants suspendus de concentration. Pour quelques minutes, laissez vous porter au gré des discussions et des sessions de travail qui construisent le projet au jour le jour. Pour suivre le projet au jour le jour : https://www.instagram.com/craftkeatbeck/ Merci à - la Cité Éducative Paris XIX Ouest - @paris_habitat - @caf_paris - @centrepompidou - @clggeorgesmelies - Collège Joséphine Baker - Lycée d’Alembert - Lycée Diderot - Lycée Hector Guimard - Lycée Lucas de Nehou
Mots-clefs : #danse,#danser,#dance,#dancer,#danseur,#keatbeck,#kgoldstein,#art,#craft,#hand,#france,#paris,#frenchcraft,#artisanatfrancais,#artist,#artiste,#artisan,#artisanat,#creation,#gestes,#french,#artisanal,#atelierdartiste,#centrepompidou,#savoirfairefrancais,#slowmade,#craftmanship,#knowhow,#ateliers,#cordonnerie,#shoemaking,#shoemaker,#workshop,#horloger,#horlogerie,#clockmaker,#watchmaker,#clockmaking,#watchmaking
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CPU ⬜ Carré Petit Utile

dascritch & associés pour Radio FMR
CPU ⬜ Carré Petit Utile
Le programme radio des gens du numérique, tous les Jeudi à 11h sur Radio FMR
Mots-clefs : numérique,maker,digital
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Point Jeunes Plaisance du Touch
Le podcast des ados ramollos ! Un podcast créé par et pour les jeunes de la ville de Plaisance du Touch
IDD'ADOS est un podcast créé par et pour les jeunes issus du Point Jeunes LEC GS de Plaisance du Touch et en partenariat avec la Médiathèque Joséphine Baker. Chaque vacances scolaires, quatre jeunes de 11 à 17 ans prennent la parole pour parler de pop culture, sujets de société et problématiques d'ados.
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Rise Up! The Baker Podcast with Mark Dyck

Mark Dyck: Baker and lover of bakeries
The Rise Up! Podcast is a celebration of bakers, the bakeries they created and the people they serve. Join Mark Dyck as he talks with bakers and bakery owners from across North America and around the world. Hear about their struggles and triumphs and learn about the satisfaction that feeding a community can provide.
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Cette édition de 1742 nous rapporte les contes de ma mère l’Oye adaptés par Charles Perrault et agrémentés de moralités.Pleines d’enseignements, ces histoires du temps...
Cette édition de 1742 nous rapporte les contes de ma mère l’Oye adaptés par Charles Perrault et agrémentés de moralités.Pleines d’enseignements, ces histoires du temps passé, contées, en France, depuis le Moyen Âge, nous ferons encore rêver ou frissonner avec leurs jeunes filles et jeunes gens dans l’adversité, leurs princesses et leurs princes et, bien sûr, leurs fées.Retrouvons donc le petit Chaperon rouge, Cendrillon, le Chat botté, … et redécouvrons d’où nous vient ce « Anne, ma soeur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir ? » In this book, published in 1742, Charles Perrault accompanies his Tales of passed times, by Mother Goose, with witty morals.In the French language, let us discover or rediscover what happens to Cinderella, the Sleeping Beauty and their folk-tales peers.
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The podcast for anyone who plays bluegrass music... or wants to!
Bradley Laird's GrassTalkRadio is about learning to play bluegrass music. Show notes for each episode are found at: http://www.grasstalkradio.com Whether you have been playing 5 minutes or 5 years we all want to become better players. Bradley will help you stay on the path, avoid discouragement, make real progress and enjoy participation in this game we call bluegrass.
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Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book "A Little Princess" begins as seven year old Sara Crewe is dropped off at a boarding school by her rich father. She has grown up in India and has lived a very pampered life...
Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book "A Little Princess" begins as seven year old Sara Crewe is dropped off at a boarding school by her rich father. She has grown up in India and has lived a very pampered life. Even though she is rich, she is very friendly to everyone and the students all love her. Unfortunately, the woman in charge of the school does not like Sara and when her father dies on a business trip, the head mistress is angry that she will not get the money she is owed for Sara’s care. She makes her live in the attic with the maid and to do chores to earn her keep at the school. Sara is mistreated, but still remains kind to others and helps anyone she can. One day, Sara finds some money and buys some food from a bakery. When the baker sees her give away most of the food to a beggar girl, he believes Sara is a princess and invites the little beggar girl to live with his family. Sara continues to teach the smaller children and withstands the abuse from the adults around her. When a strange man moves into the house next door, Sara becomes friends with his servant. He is impressed with how kind she is and is angered about her treatment at the school. He secretly sends her food to help her in some small way. Eventually, Sara discovers something very important about the man who is helping her. A Little Princess is an amazing book that proves again that dreams can come true. It also shows that even when life is not going the way you would like it, you should still treat others the way you want to be treated. The end of the story is very satisfying, but readers will want to know more about this special little girl.
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The Clever Cookstr serves up the most timely, relevant tips from the world’s best kitchens. You’ll get a delightful mix of cooking tips from emerging and established chefs and cookbook authors, as well as exclusive insights from bakers, sommeliers, farmers, grocers, and more. Every week, Clever Cookstr provides useful information for aspiring and long-time food lovers— and for anyone who wants to get delicious homemade food on the table. If you’ve been looking for a fun, fast-paced, authoritative source of information on what’s hot in the world of food and cooking, this is it. Clever Cookstr is passionate about helping people learn to cook more, believing that time spent sharing good food is one of the most vital and enjoyable parts of life.
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The Baker Street Babes

Baker Street Babes
The Baker Street Babes are an all-female group of Sherlock Holmes fans who talk about everything from canon to Cumberbatch, Charles Augustus Milverton to Jude Law, and dancing men to Jeremy Brett. We love Sherlock Holmes and we love having well informed, but also quite fun discussions about it. We’re all young and we’re all females, but we’re all die hard Sherlockians/Holmesian. It’s a demographic within the Sherlock Holmes fandom that is new and growing and doesn’t yet have a voice. We hope to become that voice and we want to prove that we’re not just going to coo over Robert Downey Jr and Benedict Cumberbatch, as lovely as they are, but that we know the canon and want to have discussions about it as well.
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De la nouveauté chez les 14 Affranchis: les podcasts font leur apparution. 3 mordus de NBA ont crées les Af « franchises » NBA.
Un retour sur les matchs de la semaine, des avis sur les récompenses personnelles ainsi qu’un lourd débat sur deux monstres de la ligue Americaine de Basket et un quiz seront au programme dans chaque podcast. Vous pourrez les retrouver sur YouTube, Spotify, ou sur AppleMusic Enjoy the game podcast 29/03 : 1.09 : Extrapasse Clippers 3.38 : NBA paris 5.51 : Devin Booker (50 pts back to back) 8.32 : bataille pour les playoffs 11.38 : Coach de l’année 13.44 : DPOY 17.46 : 6th man of the year 20.26 : ROY 28.24 : MIP 33.57 : MVP 44.25 : one vs one 1.09.18 : quizz
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Interviews, actus, conseils, tutos, bonnes pratiques
La chronique de Video Maker Oi, c'est des podcast toute l'année sur la vidéo, les réseaux sociaux, le marketing digital et l'entrepreneuriat. Entre les interviews, les actus, les conseils, les tutos et les bonnes pratiques, nous vous accompagnons à capter et retenir l'attention de vos visiteurs, vos fans grâce à la puissance de la vidéo marketing.
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Je vous souhaite de devenir un véritable professionnel
Le PodCast des réseauteurs Pour les débutants comme pour les plus experts On décrypte le Marketing de Réseau : Des vérités qui dérangent, des Stratégies, du MindSet
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Basketball Block Party

Basketball Block Party
Emission de débats 100% NBA par les fans pour les fans
Emission de débats festive, 100% NBA, présentée par les fans, à destination des fans. Autour d'un barbecue, d'une bière, bonne ambiance, détente, discussions... Hoops & Bbq!
résultats 1 - 15 sur 21 au total
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