Medium b004c257b78546991bc019045e6c22973f5a696c
Deux amis jouent et narrent leurs parties de Kingdom Death : Monster
Stéphane et Rémy, deux amis se retrouvent ponctuellement pour jouer et découvrir le jeu Kingdom death : Monster. Ils en profitent pour raconter chaque "année de la lanterne", chaque tour de jeu ( env.3h) lors d'une discussion animée et légère. En espérant que cela vous divertisse aussi !
Mots-clefs : kingdomdeath,kingdom,death,monster,jeux,bla bla,discussion,fun,miniatures,figurines,jeu,plateau,société
Medium 7a13ddf10e15047fbb1af75fc4f1484c84613a46

Order 66 Podcast

GM Dave and GM Chris
Order 66 is a podcast devoted to the d20 system of role playing games and specifically to Star Wars Saga Edition. We talk classes, races, mechanics and have a few funny bits along the way. We also talk about other systems, such as D&D and miniatures and t
Order 66 is a podcast devoted to the d20 system of role playing games and specifically to Star Wars Saga Edition. We talk classes, races, mechanics and have a few funny bits along the way. We also talk about other systems, such as D&D and miniatures and their role in the d20 system. Tune in and subscribe!
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