Medium 73a488b973079f5fabb0462caadb1153c42f42fd
Medium e2c95ab61caa1b3add49c67f9bd28f588ef9005d

The Third Foot: Doctor Who

Hosted by Ben Van der Velde and Barry McStay
Medium 76e9e0376866937e4f413bf07399a05a5c557c7c
Medium 1ced553058c0c79e40ae468785083f89df3147d8
Medium d611599410d0c6dd51b3ad9781e9c929b65c2506
Notre marathon de podcast continue avec ce onzième podcast consacré à Into The Dalek ! Ce podcast marque le grand retour de Gary et la présence de Stavro de...
Medium a5e9837d18e4d6b5a12b323eb1ae6fea6664f523
...sequence03:30 - Capaldi first impressions06:30 - Deep Breath (KC and I disagree about something!)19:10 - Into the Dalek 28:35 - Robot of Sherwood33:00 - General thoughts so far (including some general Moffat crit...
Medium 213e3f35250ca82e39513a8889e40e5ddd0cde99
Medium 1d17056b397e0bcbf1fed797f01a80c1cb769a05
Flux : Savage Hippie
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