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Baby Graveurs

Baby Graveurs
Bienvenue sur la page du podcast Baby Graveurs
Bienvenue sur la page du podcast Baby Graveurs
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Making music has never been easier, but building a music career today is altogether different. Finding the right audience for your music takes an entrepreneurial mindset, a lot of hard work, and a willingness to experiment. The DIY Musician Podcast features interviews with artists of all styles and backgrounds who’ve found a unique but authentic pathway to success, as well as in-depth discussions with music publicists, promoters, lawyers, publishers, talent buyers, and more. This podcast is geared towards independent musicians who want to build a sustainable music career without giving up (too much) financial or creative control. Hosts Kevin and Chris work with hundreds of thousands of artists at CD Baby, and are actively releasing and promoting their own music too; they're part of the same community they’re helping to educate and encourage with each new episode.
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The Baker Street Babes

Baker Street Babes
The Baker Street Babes are an all-female group of Sherlock Holmes fans who talk about everything from canon to Cumberbatch, Charles Augustus Milverton to Jude Law, and dancing men to Jeremy Brett. We love Sherlock Holmes and we love having well informed, but also quite fun discussions about it. We’re all young and we’re all females, but we’re all die hard Sherlockians/Holmesian. It’s a demographic within the Sherlock Holmes fandom that is new and growing and doesn’t yet have a voice. We hope to become that voice and we want to prove that we’re not just going to coo over Robert Downey Jr and Benedict Cumberbatch, as lovely as they are, but that we know the canon and want to have discussions about it as well.
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Histoire des Musiques Populaires
EVOLUTION est une émission qui raconte l’histoire d’un courant ou d’un genre musical, de sa genèse à ses développements futurs. Chaque morceau est choisi avec soin pour illustrer clairement les étapes importantes de l'évolution des musiques populaires. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Jaf & Babou débattent des sujets de sociétés sans grande importance
Un sujet de société aux apparences anodines. 2 adversaires et un tirage au sort pour définir leur camp. 2 semaines de préparation d'arguments et de recherches statistiques. Un débat de merde entre 2 novices en quête de savoir inutile.
Pas d'autres résultats


Medium e3332e6a14e4c98af77b159357704a1381a1e592
Medium 04c7adac002e60d45cf6db667d81197bb3989f24
Flux : Banzzaï
Medium 34dd2e46838502225e1e5bbdd66c1580cdca676f
Flux : Baby Graveurs
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Medium e0e572672fdfafe8ce1ccbd12da0ac87b51b1508
Medium 5831bcf7ea615908e2f3a2a2cc21a144515e8bda
Flux : Playtime
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Medium 34dd2e46838502225e1e5bbdd66c1580cdca676f
Flux : Baby Graveurs
Medium b8f018c11d71519fbe9be8a5e707e8196595b2f7
Flux : A Voix Haute
Medium b8f018c11d71519fbe9be8a5e707e8196595b2f7
Flux : A Voix Haute
Medium b8f018c11d71519fbe9be8a5e707e8196595b2f7
Flux : A Voix Haute
Medium e3332e6a14e4c98af77b159357704a1381a1e592
Medium b8f018c11d71519fbe9be8a5e707e8196595b2f7
Flux : A Voix Haute
Medium 34dd2e46838502225e1e5bbdd66c1580cdca676f
Flux : Baby Graveurs
Medium e3332e6a14e4c98af77b159357704a1381a1e592