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Ear Hustle

Ear Hustle & Radiotopia
Ear Hustle brings you the daily realities of life inside prison, shared by those living it, and stories from the outside, post-incarceration.
Ear Hustle is prison slang for eavesdropping, and that’s what listening to the show feels like: a raw, often funny, and always surprising peek into the reality of life inside prison. Hosts Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods co-created the show that launched in 2017 while Earlonne was incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison, where Nigel was a volunteer teaching photography. Since Earlonne’s release in 2018, the show has expanded to include stories from prisons across the state, including the California Institution for Women, as well as stories about getting out of prison and starting over, post-incarceration. From finding romance, to grappling with a life sentence, to trying to parent via 15-minute phone calls, Ear Hustle stories deliver what This American Life host Ira Glass calls a “"very real” and “untragic” take on prison life. Ear Hustle is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm and learn more about Ear Hustle at earhustlesq.com.
Medium f756dfafcfd21b4720d84c697fddae45ef43f82d


Southern Foodways Alliance
Gravy shares stories of the changing American South through the foods we eat. Gravy showcases a South that is constantly evolving, accommodating new immigrants, adopting new traditions, and lovingly maintaining old ones. It uses food as a means to explore all of that, to dig into lesser-known corners of the region, complicate stereotypes, document new dynamics, and give voice to the unsung folk who grow, cook, and serve our daily meals.
Medium 55615077e5f079ddad44d85265bb4cac3016b949

Simples dialogues

This podcast is brought to you by LingQ.com where you can learn languages from the best podcasts on the web.
This podcast is brought to you by LingQ.com where you can learn languages from the best podcasts on the web. Dialogues très courts. Chaque dialogue est lu 3 fois. La première fois à vitesse lente. La deuxième fois à la vitesse d'un français natif et enfin la troisième fois comme on entend les gens parler dans la vie de tous les jours. Le dialogue est écrit seulement deux fois. Une fois dans le français standard et une deuxième fois d'une façon phonétique qui transcrit ce que l'oreille perçoit effectivement. Short dialogues Each dialogue is read 3 times. The first time at a slow speed. The second time at a native French rate of speed and eventually the third time like one can hear people in their daily lives. The dialogue is written only twice. Once in the standard French and once phonetically to transcribe what one really hears.
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Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium aeb2e2473495c3515f8820a441d1a4d37ae8bb38
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium 020a493cc94159dbd59452a3cee006a57b9d5a33
Medium 020a493cc94159dbd59452a3cee006a57b9d5a33
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Scottish Music #292

Marc Gunn, Wicked Tinkers, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Caledonia Swing, LThe Freestylers of Piping
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Golden Glove of Celtic Music #262

Marc Gunn, Saor Patrol, Sons of Malarkey, Across the Pond, Julia Lane, Damh the Bard, Green Tea
Medium 69f6320c8915f0a804e0138dadff55e8df23de67
Flux : The WAN Show
Medium 0640bb46931a79565529dd6c1ce05a30eca2b84b
Flux : Untangle
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Flux : Untangle
Medium b011f56ce2a0192665561610c9b3c8840a9ad2fb

#8 Celtic Renaissance Christmas with Renaissance Festival Podcast -

Marc Gunn, Cast in Bronze, Emerald Rose, Hey Nunnie Nunnie, The Limeybirds, Wine and Alchemy, Tippler’s Way, Silent Lion
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Comedy or Chocolate

War on the Rocks
Flux : Bombshell
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Flux : Bombshell