

Medium 5c01a0d037cebaa5eae780065438c9232c3e5023
La vérité finit toujours par se savoir.
  🇫🇷La Chaine du savoir Ce que  les médias vous cachent !! La chaine vous le dit !! " La vérité finit toujours par se savoir "  🇦🇽The Knowledge Channel What the media hides! The channel tells you! The truth always comes out in the end. 🇪🇸El Canal del Conocimiento Lo que los medios de comunicación ocultan El canal te lo dice. La verdad siempre sale a la luz al final. A Cadeia do O que os meios de comunicação social escondem! O canal diz-lhe! A verdade vem sempre ao de cima no final. 🇷🇺Канал знаний Что скрывают СМИ! Канал говорит вам! В конце концов, правда всегда выходит наружу. 知识频道 媒体所隐藏的东西! 频道告诉你! 真相最终总会大白于天下。 SUR YouTube Plus de 22 500 vues : https://vu.fr/UFql  Podcastics.com Plus de 12 500 vues : https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/la-chaine-du-savoir/ Telegram : https://t.me/lachainedusavoir  WhatsApp :  https://chat.whatsapp.com/BExiZIJLaU31hjkARbvqMq     Facebook :   https://bit.ly/3zwVIbn BessBuzz :  https://beesbuzz.com/symbad08 137 épisodes, plus de 25 heures de récits Diffusés dans 118 pays   Diffuser vos podcasts avec PodcastIcs.com  https://bit.ly/3BhcXi7
Medium 181bb23c859d396199bc773c8881e20183b4864e
« Je ne sais, Athéniens, quelle impression mes accusateurs ont faite sur vous. Pour moi, en les entendant, peu s’en est fallu que je ne me méconnusse moi-même, tant ils ont...
« Je ne sais, Athéniens, quelle impression mes accusateurs ont faite sur vous. Pour moi, en les entendant, peu s’en est fallu que je ne me méconnusse moi-même, tant ils ont parlé d’une manière persuasive ; et cependant, à parler franchement, [...] ils n’ont pas dit un mot qui soit véritable ; et de ma bouche vous entendrez la vérité toute entière, … » (de « L’apologie de Socrate ») How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was – such was the effect of them; and yet [...] they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth… (from “Socrates’ Defense” on Wikipedia)
Medium 2ab3e78ecf976d75cc2ec51c1d152fb91a64557c

Girl In Space

Sarah Rhea Werner
Nothing fancy here -- just the simple audio diary of a girl in space. Also, there’s this weird and potentially ominous light in the distance that seems to be growing steadily closer. Listen for science, guns, trust, anti-matter, truth, beauty, inner turmoil, and delicious cheeses. It’s all here. In space.
Medium 8115a9f61f69ef0c0badedebd9ff9d441782fdf3


Serial Productions
S-Town is a podcast hosted by Brian Reed from Serial Productions, a New York Times company. The story follows a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who's allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But when someone else ends up dead, the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man's life.
Medium e8bce4307d3d64e004d0dabcd511f4750dcde1d0

The Cracked Podcast

Literally Media
Facts, jokes, and more from the Internet’s leading comedy website, Cracked.com. Every week, host Alex Schmidt brings together comedians, authors, scientists, and Cracked staffers, to celebrate the awesome truth that being alive is more interesting than people think it is. Fill your week and your brain with hilarious, mind-blowing revelations that’ll make you the most interesting person in every room you’re in.


Medium 5cea025f19d3d1962b7aebe7d4d1dfa2a62bfc18
Medium 41ff9301c5d5ea7d87bb77d3cabe4ebf8fbf8626
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium e0efc861d08fafe460370076cf91f48382cf3cf1
Medium 603e138d166246d9e29353316b4b1b61e3f15f47
Flux : Up First
Medium f018b0ff61479750f4bb13ca441af01087c507e9

L'anonymat sur Internet, mission impossible ? – 27/03

podcast-admin@nextinteractive.fr (BFM)
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium a670f8b99e9bada9a32ce28dd30e65e00a0e1dd0
Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
Medium f7c715b4a2b59d90e8ccdcf46c9f25c9ddbc60b1
Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Medium fe7233119bfb05353056d3961d8d3f830b1e547f
Medium bd3dd9c8ec9052328043ec3d70f2a00025dde811
Medium a670f8b99e9bada9a32ce28dd30e65e00a0e1dd0