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Guy Raz interviews the world’s best-known entrepreneurs to learn how they built their iconic brands. In each episode, founders reveal deep, intimate moments of doubt and failure, and share insights on their eventual success. How I Built This is a master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership and how to navigate challenges of all kinds. New episodes on Mondays and Thursdays for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+ or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription. Get your How I Built This merch at WonderyShop.com/HowIBuiltThis
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Radio FMR
L'univers des musiques parallèles/The Universe of Parallel Music
"MIRAGE" (L'UNIVERS DES MUSIQUES PARALLELES/THE UNIVERSE OF PARALLEL MUSIC) ET TOUS LES JEUDIS SUR LA DAB + OU SUR LE STREAMING DE FMR /AND EVERY THURSDAY ON THE RADIO FMR INTERNET STREAMING. MIRAGE est l'émission radio de plus de 2 heures sur la musique électronique/synthé allant de la musique planante, progressive, expérimentale ou concrète … et bien d'autres où l'on pourra écouter des artistes et groupes, célèbres ou inconnus. Mais c'est également la musique de films qu'elle soit électronique ou orchestrale. "Mirage", it's the brand-new over 2 hours French radio show about electronic/synth music from floating music, progressive, expermental, Electroacoustic to the most structured … It's also film music soundtracks electronic and orchestral. Bref que des musiques que l'on ne passe jamais sur les radios françaises depuis plus de 30 ans.C'est pourquoi ce sont des musiques parallèles. So only music that aren't aired on French radios for over 30 years. That's why it's called Parallel Music.
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Escape is the radioshow from the French electronic music band PRIMAL WAKIN.
Escape is the radioshow from the French electronic music band PRIMAL WAKIN. Recorded live at the Escape Studio in Lyon, PRIMAL WAKIN mixes a 1 hour electronic music podcast, introducing a selection of the hottest tunes. You can find all informations about the band on the official website www.primalwakin-music.com
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If There Is Hell Below... Arkive

If There Is Hell Below
Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs
Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley present weekly new music podcast If There Is Hell Bellow... 'Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs'. Established in 2010 ya boys have been bringing their own brand of badinage and deeply dug new music picks to the world of podcasting. ITHB is now exclusive to Spotify, so check out future episodes over on Spotify and on anchor.fm/ithbpodcast This feed will remain open, for a limited time, as an Arkive for you to delve back over the last few years of ITHB. 'On the Ark with…' is a brand new podcast from the boys who gave you the If There Is Hell Below. In each episode Rob and Callum invite one of their favourite artists onto their mythical ark; a huge vessel prepped for the end of the world and with your hosts as Co-Captains they welcome their new ship mates. Over drinks they ask the people who make the music what songs and albums have made them the musician, artist and person they are.
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Another Metal Podcast

Another Metal Podcast
Brand New Heavy Metal From The Underground To Your Speakers
AMP is a bi-weekly heavy metal podcast that plays two hours of brand-new heavy metal music from indie, unsigned, and small-label bands from across the globe. All genres are represented; death, black, hard rock, industrial, doom, sludge, stoner, power, speed, goth, prog, instrumental, all the cores, and more. Many of these bands are being played for the first time anywhere, so turn up your speakers, throw some devil horns, and rock out to the freshest metal available. Make sure to check out our blog for full track listings and info for all the songs played, along with links to the bands. www.AnotherMetalPodcast.com
