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One of modern modern music’s most enduring genres, progressive rock has flourished since the late sixties when radio switched to FM and music became adventurous and more artistic outside of the comfort zones of Pop. Progressive rock also branched into sub-genres; progressive folk, progressive metal, RIO — rock in opposition, avant-garde & experimental, progressive electronic, Psychedelic space rock, progressive Italiano, post-rock, krautrock, canterbury, jazz fusion, and many others. Unlike a lot of musical styles this is a worldwide experience as progressive rock has been embraced by virtually every country in the world and have bands throughout the last decades that have produced interesting blends of prog rock mixed in with their own country’s folk influences. Prog rock is less of an acquired taste and more a demanding experience that requires full attention and cannot be treated as a commodity. With its virtuosity and imaginative landscapes, the music takes the listener to the higher plane of musical enjoyment. Visit ASD Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CjswAttentionSurplusDisorder/
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Lyonel Bernard
Les sardines grillées au barbecue avec les amis, la branche de céleri dans le jus de tomate au Canada, l’accord de la cerise avec le poivre de timut, notre alimentation est source de nombreux souvenirs et d’émotions. Plongez dans les souvenirs gustatifs des invités. Des mots, des aliments, des plats et des émotions. Une émission pour vous donner envie de passer à table ou aux fourneaux ! Saveurs, à vos papilles, une émission qui vous fera saliver. Instagram : @saveurs.podcast Tiktok : @saveurs.podcast Facebook : @Saveurs
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Incroyable du Q
On se retrouve deux fois par mois pour discuter autour d'un thème avec trois chroniques, de la musique et un petit jeu. Parfois on apprend des choses, parfois on se lance dans des discussions profondes, mais en général on fait ça en rigolant et vous allez voir c'est incroyable. Retrouvez nous sur twitter : @Capsuleincpod, mais aussi sur Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google podcasts ainsi que toutes vos plateformes habituelles.
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L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast

Francesco Amoroso
La musica da amare!
“L’Attimo Fuggente” è un programma in diretta, condotto in studio da Francesco Amoroso e Raffaello Russo, e va in onda ogni lunedì, dalle 21:00 alle 23:00 su Radiocittaperta.it in streaming ovunque ci sia un computer: http://radiocittaperta.it/onair ”L’Attimo Fuggente” tenterà di offrirvi ciò che c’è di più interessante nel mondo della musica. Attraverso la radio e anche attraverso la sua pagina di Facebook. (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/LAttimo-Fuggente/156113034401531). "L’Attimo Fuggente", grazie a rubriche, piccoli speciali e monografie in pillole, tante novità, ma anche recuperi dal passato prossimo e remoto, vorrebbe mettere in primo piano le emozioni nella musica. Ogni lunedì, ovunque voi siate, rilassatevi e cogliete l’attimo fuggente. Parafrasando il protagonista dell’omonimo film degli anni novanta: “Non ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché è carino: noi ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché siamo membri della razza umana; e la razza umana è piena di passione. Medicina, legge, economia, ingegneria sono nobili professioni, necessarie al nostro sostentamento; ma la musica, la bellezza, il romanticismo, l'amore, sono queste le cose che ci tengono in vita”.
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Talker Texas Ranger USA

Jared, Devin, and Whitt
The only official Walker, Texas Ranger podcast and the only podcast being recorded by captives of Chuck Norris in a bunker deep under his ranch.
The only official Walker, Texas Ranger podcast and the only podcast being recorded by captives of Chuck Norris in a bunker deep under his ranch.
