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Medium 2c30c80266114b0fc8a6bb17e3d4187b377200da
Flux : TechCraft
Medium c2346ea4347af01f0feceb844ef2a7c2ea74378a
Medium 94bd447ab1de13a98c0026042993ff9ae27dcc17

Celtic Music Awards #32

Marc Gunn, Wicked Tinkers, Bedlam Bards, Enter the Haggis, Kennedy's Kitchen, Barleyjuice, Rathkeltair
...voted for by you. Wicked Tinkers, Bedlam Bards, Arabesque, Celeste Howard, Maidens IV, Rowan, Blarnacles, Shadowdancer, Enter the Haggis, Rathkeltair, Barleyjuice, Kennedy's Kitchen Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. This is...
Medium dcb93939da30585a2299e148771188e298af70bb
Medium 6a762ff1564f8c9ad4388fb8c8c4d381c5938032

Celtic Roots Radio 20 - 'Of Narnia, 'Jack' and other worlds'

Raymond McCullough: Precious Oil Productions Ltd
Medium 6017124f488eefd7152c92381afd5eed466e5def

Celtic Roots Radio 19 - 'Warrior Maid - a big hole in the sea ..'

Raymond McCullough: Precious Oil Productions Ltd
...'Tony', (A Thousand Reasons Why)  Raggle Taggle, (California, USA) -  'The Quest', (Dublin Fusion)   Shadowdancer, (Kentucky, USA) - 'Whiskey in the Jar', (Tradition With a Twist)    Qristina & Quinn...
Medium b5fbb17a6b2dcf9ccdae212544dc54de6b8f3f87

Celtic Roots Radio 15 - 'Stroke City, hey, mugger?'

Raymond McCullough: Precious Oil Productions Ltd
Hosted by Raymond McCullough, in Belfast, Northern Ireland: with music from: Shadowdancer, (Kentucky, USA) - 'Cold Rain and Snow', (Everywhere I Look) The Langer's Ball, (Minnesota, USA)...
Medium 100614d3bc15f3d0c8dac577d83afe4d63e2c5da

LMH Mixtape #20: Free Play 2

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
Medium bd01e821a7d6c1a6cf51ddb9b6ef27f0d3fbf123
Medium 4b1304082ff92a5b924357df9cc1fd2833ee35d7

SLB 2012 n°6

Eric Gallot / Thierry Galé
Medium 421acad220bb74d36ef5ff83237e9b20df9d4d06
Medium abcdba7bcecddb645472faca4073e09dc418fed3
Medium 41e889a0b920cb533f5b3e0c968b5ac9de8217a1
Medium 100614d3bc15f3d0c8dac577d83afe4d63e2c5da

LMH Mixtape #20: Free Play 2

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
Medium 6098141371ffb8763af73e44c3415a664b2e4f59