The Montreal arts & entertainment podcast that asks Emelia Hellman & Nancy Webb of Hellgirl Productions: What compliment would you give yourself? That question asked by Abby Stonehouse and Alo Azimov back in episode 302.

It’s no secret that we love Fantasia here at – we do a whole show about it – so imagine our excitement when Inés pitched the idea of having Emelia and Nancy from Hellgirl Productions on the show to talk (in part) about their short film “Bangs” that premiered at this year’s festival! Did we mention it features Andi McQueen who is also the best?

We talk about “Bangs”, making movies, our biggest fears and so much more. Emelia and Nancy will be launching a podcast very soon that is literally just about people’s biggest fears so – stay tuned for that. How will you stay tuned? Well – you should probably give them a follow on Instagram for now: @hellgirlproductions and check in on their respective websites as well. Those are probably the best ways to see “Bangs” when it becomes possible to do so (maybe you will be lucky and they’ll be screening the film in your hometown!):

Meanwhile if you want to talk about one the films we talked about “Becca” you can watch that right now (which also features Andi!).

More info about some of the other films we mention can be found below:

Anyways – listen to this podcast and track down these films!

Credit Where Credit is Due

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Leighland Beckman and Aural Turpitude!

Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and sometimes blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.

Inés Anaya never stops finding ways to be funny: writing for Hindwing Press and The Beaverton, running shows like Stand Up Story Slam and getting on the mic at comedy shows all over the city when it is legally possible to do so. The best way to keep track of what she’s up to next is on Instagram @clout__atlas

The post Hellgirl Productions (Emelia Hellman & Nancy Webb) – GPYS 303 appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).