- Pre-show:
- Marco’s box truck
- 🗣️ New ATP Membership Survey 🗣️
(This is for everyone, not just members) - 🗣️ New member special: ATP Tier List: Every iMac 🗣️
- Follow-up:
- iMac Tier List
- Intel Core vs. Core 2 ∆s (via Michael Gabriel)
- Marco claims vindication
- Core Duo Geekbench 32-bit: 2,327
- Core 2 Duo Geekbench 32-bit: 2,423 (4% faster), 64-bit: 2,739 (17% faster)
- How much faster is “2 Duo” than “Duo”?
- 21” was (eventually) Retina, writes Max Wilkie
- More text editors
- Pronouncing “Niléane” (and more)
- Apple can’t design for humans
- Photo editing on the Mac (via Ezekiel Elin)
- (•••)
- ⌘ ⏎
- Dumb TV workarounds (also via Ezekiel Elin)
- Apple, TV+, Disney+, and Games (via Aaron Thomas)
- iMac Tier List
- Marco’s review of Ubiquiti Security Cameras
:- How do we handle kid e-mail addresses? (via Greg)
- What are our expectations for subscription apps? (via Michael)
- How do we prevent losing access to our password managers? (via Denis Čapkovič)
- Post-show:
- Marco’s latest gift shipment to Casey
- Marco’s latest gift shipment to John
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