Tripsitter is an evidence-based media publication exploring the safe and responsible use of psychedelics. Our goal is to provide easy to consume information on the topics of magic mushrooms, ketamine, and MDMA. Our magic mushroom guides cover more than 100 different magic mushroom strains, guides on where magic mushrooms are legal, and even how to grow your own shrooms at home. Our directory features ketamine-assisted psychotherapy centers ranked by user ratings and vetted by our editorial medical review board.
Address: 4498 Main St Ste 4 #5040 Amherst, NY 14226, United States
Phone: +1-716-839-4444
Tags: #psychedelics, #magicmushrooms, #ketamine, #mdma
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Tripsitter is an educational resource exploring the safe and responsible use of psychedelics.

Like having a tripsitter watch over your experience, our goal is to provide guidance and support in preparation for your psychedelic journey.

We believe no substance is inherently good or bad — they’re just chemicals, natural or unnatural, that exist in the world. It’s our relationship with them and the way we interact with them that can be either good or bad. 

Psychedelics have a lot to offer in terms of mental and physical health — but only when used responsibly and with the right integration. Our goal is to provide trusted, well-researched content to help our readers understand how these substances work and how to use them safely for health purposes and personal growth.

The late Timothy Leary said it best

Psychedelic drugs cause panic and temporary insanity in people who have not taken them.

Our goal is to provide the resources necessary to demystify these substances and give our readers the necessary tools to use them effectively.

Join us as we explore the wonderful world of psychoactive substances and how they can be used to facilitate optimal health, self-growth, productivity, and more. 

Support the Show.