Produite au Japon par Toei Animation, cette série est la dernière magicienne initiée par le studio après Sally la petite sorcière, Akko-chan (Caroline) ou encore Le Tour du monde de Lydie. La série a été diffusée à la fin de l’année 1987 sur La Cinq. Le générique est chanté par Claude Lombard...
- Emissions
- ANISONG - La Belle histoire des génériques télé
- La Belle Histoire des Génériques Télé #15 | Le Monde enchanté de Lalabel
Publié le par Olivier | Anisong
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
L'émission patchwork 100% AOC France
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Brian Clough's American Connection Country Music Show
#country music #radio show #countrymusicradio #countryartists #nashvillemusic
The American Connection Country Music Show from the UK presented by award winning Brian Clough.An eclectic listen to country music old and new
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That Indie Thing with Rob
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Catch up or listen again to Going Indieground, broadcast Monday Evenings 9pm-11pm UK time on Mad Wasp Radio
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Ages Of Rock Podcast
Welcome to Ages of Rock Podcast! Your co-hosts, Allen Tate, Bill Algee and Dennis Talbott are 3 middle aged, semi mature, Midwestern men.... Talking Rock!
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Western TV Shows will take you back to the early days of TV. Those days with the wild west came alive every Saturday morning.
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Simpsons Time: Thru the Debigulator with Amanda | WFMU
WFMU presents Episode recaps and Simpsons theory by Amanda Nazario.
Simpsons Time is several people's favorite feature of Amanda's radio program Nazario Scenario. One episode is discussed per week, focusing on the show's writing and its impact on the cultural landscape. Here we present the episode recaps and analysis all on their own, in snacktacular scaled-down form. Note: For a re-bigulated listening experience with the rest of Amanda's show, you can find the Nazario Scenario archives here.
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