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Avengers: End Game was not just a film with a great storyline and excellent performances. It was an paralleled, unifying experience that we shared with a room full of fellow fans. We were as ONE for 3 hours and 2 minutes. We cried and cheered together...some of us even hugged it out afterwards. A movie that can move an audience in that manner, is indeed unique.

Avengers: End Game was an "end cap" for twenty-one films that fans invested time and emotion into. And what an ending it was! In this transmission of Anomaly, we talk about everything from the passing of Peter Mayhew (the actor who played Chewbacca in Star Wars), how End Game treated Black Widow and Captain Marvel, loving Peter a mom way, getting a little verklempt with everyone else in the theater, and much more.

Go to the show notes for links to the things things we discussed in this episode, like Angela's waterproof mascara, Peter Gunn's PG Porn, and the MCU Recap featured at The Alamo Drafthouse.