In this installment of Anomaly, Angela and Jen discuss the acting, plot, throughlines and symbolisim in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Angela compares the film to the book and Jen talks about little known facts behind the movie. Some symbols that were cited in this episode were derived from Thank you to Tim, Sarah, Kasey, Noah and Michele for their awesome listener comments. Annoucments were made at the end of the commentary and new promos to cool shows were added at the very end of the episode. Check out the show notes for links to a report that Anne wrote in the Anomaly Blog, about a real life Quidditch game that she attended in December. Thanks Anne! Also in the show notes are links to the group who created the intro to the commentary. Find all this and more at If you enjoy this episode please rate us on iTunes, donate to the show or send us an email. We love hearing from you all.
Publié le par Jen and Angela
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