BWV 1029: Sonata for Viola da Gamba


This is one of three such sonatas for the viola da gamba (viola for the leg) and keyboard. It's construction in three movements resembles a concerto form, and the texture appears in three parts (bass and treble keyboard, and the viola da gamba). Because of this trio texture and the similarity in range of the gamba to the cello, this sonata is ripe for arrangement or scoring on alternative instruments.


  1. Bach Trios - Yo-Yo Ma, Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer

  2. Bach Trio Sonatas - Rare Fruits Council

  3. Bach Kammermusik - Musica Antiqua Köln

  4. Per la Viola da Gamba - Hille Perl

  5. Bach Gamba Sonatas - Pieter Wispelwey

  6. Bach: Sonatas BWV 1027-1029 - Bruno Cocset