How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS? Listen to our Interview with Vani Hari of the Food Babe! When Vani Hari decided to put her health first, she completely changed her life. Her clean way of eating made such a difference that friends started asking her what she does. So, she started her blog, Food Babe to share recipes and discuss issues such as toxic chemicals in food, eating clean while traveling and habits that are vital to get the most out of the nutrients in food. In 2014, her blog had over 54 million visits! And for good reason! She's taken on companies like Subway, Chipotle, Panera Bread and Kraft through her investigative questioning that usually reveals toxins in the foods you and I eat everyday! In this raw interview, Vani shares her secret to maintaining a personal relationship with her millions of fans, how she deals with the haters and what really happens when journalists report on issues!