Ever wonder what it's really like inside the heart of a business Mastermind?


Today, I'm kicking off a special 4 part Series called Inside a Mastermind.  It will feature four incredible women entrepreneurs who have been a part of the Biz Women Rock Masterminds and they're sharing their own experiences of what really happens inside a Mastermind.  


They'll share about...


* Where they were in business when they started

* What their goals were

* What they wanted to get out of their Mastermind experience

* Why they decided to do it

* What they got out of the mastermind that was completely unexpected

* An update on how they did with their goals by the end

* Their inside view of the entire experience!


Today, my guest will be the amazing Tina Conroy of The Intuitive Woman.


If you've been wondering about how a Mastermind really works and how you can leverage one to get MAXIMUM RESULTS out of your business in 2018, then join me for this FREE Series!






PS: If you know you're ready to change the way you show up to your business so you can experience the results you've dreamed about, then apply to the 2018 Biz Women Rock Masterminds today --> http://bizwomenrock.com/2018-masterminds/