Angie Brown is experiencing the same thing a lot of entrepreneurs experience in their first phases of business: being so overwhelmed by all the strategies and ideas that she keeps learning about through podcasts and such, and not knowing which ones are the ones she should spend her time on.  


On top of that, she believes in investing in a coach to help her, but she’s does she know if it’s the right person for her to hire?  How does she know if it’s the right time for a coach?


Pre-warning: I go on a bit of a rant about coaches who have approached her, telling her where she’s going “wrong,” and how she needs to hire them to do it right.  Ugh! Pet peeve of mine!


When this episode goes live, Angie will have just quit her full time job to build out her coaching business.  She provides leadership training for that she’s been doing as an employee for a long time.  


During this LIVE COACHING CALL, we talk through…


  1. What Angie should focus on NOW - and a few specific actions she can take so she can be purposeful with her marketing (instead of spending her time working on new idea after new idea that don’t really make a dent towards her goals right now!)
  2. The benefits and the timing of hiring a business coach and strategists.  Some very practical ways you can do your best to make sure you’re hiring the right coach at the right time!
  3. Mindset - we talk through some foundational mindset shifts that are vital to take on as she’s shifting from an employee to an entrepreneur!

These LIVE COACHING SESSIONS are here so you can get deep insight into business issues, ideas and challenges that we all face as we create strategies, solutions and action plans that you can benefit from!  It's also a great way to see just how transformative it can be to allow another qualified person into your business so you can save time, money and energy that you would normally take figuring it out on your own!  We're in this together!

If you are interested in private coaching and strategy, then let’s talk!  You can set up a 15 Minute Match Session to see if we’re a perfect match! ;)



You may have noticed that so many of the women I’ve been bringing onto the show lately are talking about their challenges, changing seasons, transitions or self-doubts.  And really identifying how they got - and continue to get - through it all.  


Meditation continues to be a tool that so many of them identify as one of the foundational ways they stay tuned into who they are, what’s important to them and how to continue doing the best right thing for them.  


Whether you’ve been meditating for years or are a relative newbie, check out the guided meditations on the Meditation for Women podcast.  These are meditations I’ve created!


I would love for you to take a listen and use it as your own personal library of guided meditations for the exact message you need to hear during all your seasons and transitions and moments of life!


Click HERE to check out Meditation for Women →




Today’s show is brought to you by Active Campaign, the only email marketing system you’ll ever need.  After 9 years with the same email marketing provider, I was desperately searching for one that was simple, easy to manage and affordable.  Active Campaign easily stood out above the rest and I’ve been ridiculously happy with them ever since I made the switch! Emailing my community and creating automation series for special resources has never been so simple!  


Whether you’re ready to start your first email marketing set up or you’re searching for a new provider, I highly recommend Active Campaign!  Go check them out at