Hilda Gore is the amazing woman behind Holistic Hilda (https://www.holistichilda.com/), a site dedicated to helping others create optimal health practices.  She’s a passionate podcaster who hosts a show called Wise Traditions.  This podcast is a project of the The Weston A. Price Foundation and they and Hilda have very positive and supportive working relationship with one another!


During this LIVE COACHING CALL, Hilda’s wanting to get clarity around what she should do to help her take the success she’s had as the host and producer of this podcast and leverage it to build her own brand doing what she truly loves...podcasting and teaching about podcasting.  


So we dive into a variety of options that will ultimately pay homage to the platform she currently has with Wise Traditions (almost 1 million downloads!) and allow her to position herself as an authority in the podcasting space.


But we go even deeper.  It’s not just about positioning Hilda as a podcasting authority...it’s about doing that in a way that would give her the most impact and distinguish her from every other podcasting expert.  So, we get clear on who her audience actually is and begin talking some marketing strategies that would allow her to connect with them and give them exactly what they want!


This LIVE COACHING CALL is perfect for you’re a bit confused about what your personal brand is and how to go forth creating revenue doing something you LOVE (but don’t quite know how to do that).  This will give you great insights and questions to ask yourself so you don’t just DO a bunch of stuff that sounds good, but isn’t actually doing anything for you.  Get CLEAR on what you want, who your audience is and then get into action marketing.  

These LIVE COACHING SESSIONS are here so you can get deep insight into business issues, ideas and challenges that we all face as we create strategies, solutions and action plans that you can benefit from!  It's also a great way to see just how transformative it can be to allow another qualified person into your business so you can save time, money and energy that you would normally take figuring it out on your own!  We're in this together!

If you are interested a strategy session for YOU and YOUR business, check out the different options you have HERE or simply email me at katie@bizwomenrock.com to let me know how I can best serve you!