Louisa Zhou is one of the best teachers of online business I’ve ever come across.  And you’ll hear it during our conversation because she breaks down a few super simple steps explaining how you can grow your online business.  

“It’s not easy,” she says, “but it doesn’t have to be complicated.” 

Louisa knows because she’s built a multiple 7 figure business following these steps.  She started out as an executive in a corporate job, doing digital marketing for her company.  Soon, she transitioned into her own business, offering those same services she was doing during her day job.  As her clientele grew, she began to get people asking her all the time, “how did you do that?” So, she began teaching others how to quit their jobs while building their own business.  And within her first year of doing that, she had hit $1 Million in sales.  

Louisa now has a thriving business helping people break free from their 9-5 jobs as they build their online businesses.  

During our conversation, Louisa and I discuss…

  • The TWO simple steps to follow that could easily lead to a multiple 7 figure business
  • How to grow beyond that and have a ton of fun as you’re doing it
  • The truth about TESTING everything as you grow
  • The metrics she paid attention to as she was testing and growing her business
  • How she’s mindfully built a TEAM that has supported her growth...and yet doesn’t have even one full-time employee
  • And how leveraging specialized contractors is a giant win win!

The question you can answer when you finish is where am I in this process? so you can begin creating the online business you deserve!

You can find out more about Louisa at http://louisazhou.com