Bluesmoose 724 week 48
Big Bo live in Bluesmoose cafe
1. Big Bo – Pick A Bale of Cotton – live at Bluesmoose cafe 
2. John Lee Hooker – Mad Man Blues
3. Big Bo – Trouble in Mind – live at Bluesmoose cafe
4. Big Bo – Country Blues – live at Bluesmoose cafe
5. Big Bo – I’m Guitar Man – live at Bluesmoose cafe
6. Big Bo – I’m Calling Daisy – live at Bluesmoose cafe
7. Big Bo – Come Around to my House Mama – live at Bluesmoose cafe
8. Big Bo –Grinnin’ in Your Face - live at Bluesmoose cafe
9. John Lee Hooker – Boom Boom
10. B.B. King The Thrill is Gone
11. Elmore James - Shake Your Money Maker
12. Bobby Blue Band – Further up on the Road