- Episode 116
Motivations for Music
There are many reasons for picking up an instrument and trying to get some musical sounds out of it. In this episode, I present my theory that music is not about the sounds you make. That's just a part of it. It's about the people. The connections. The communication.
Maybe I am completely "full of it", in which case I encourage you to do your own thinking, but I do think you should give these ideas a bit of a spin in your own mind. Who knows? I might have said something that makes perfect sense.
I also give a shoutout to my Patreon supporters and my recent GrassTalkRadio supporters. Thanks guys and gals! Without you this would not, could not happen. Thank you.
If these thoughts and ideas help you I hope you will keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter or you can join "the club" over on my Patreon page.
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Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page:
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music--one of many forms of music which are really about communication with your fellow man. (Or woman.) You know what I mean!