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- L'Oeil est la Voix
- CHANEL - Manteau CHANEL en tweed chiné avec un camélia blanc, 1927, Edward Steichen
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Pop Rocket
Pop culture discussion with Guy Branum, Wynter Mitchell, Margaret Wappler and Oliver Wang.
Weekly discussion of the culture we all love to love. Join host Guy Branum and panelists Wynter Mitchell, Karen Tongson, and Margaret Wappler for smart, funny and sometimes sweary chat about everything great in entertainment. Combining comic, journalistic, academic and digital media expertise, the Pop Rocket team will keep you up-to-date on what's most exciting in pop culture.
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The Baker Street Babes
The Baker Street Babes are an all-female group of Sherlock Holmes fans who talk about everything from canon to Cumberbatch, Charles Augustus Milverton to Jude Law, and dancing men to Jeremy Brett.
We love Sherlock Holmes and we love having well informed, but also quite fun discussions about it. We’re all young and we’re all females, but we’re all die hard Sherlockians/Holmesian.
It’s a demographic within the Sherlock Holmes fandom that is new and growing and doesn’t yet have a voice. We hope to become that voice and we want to prove that we’re not just going to coo over Robert Downey Jr and Benedict Cumberbatch, as lovely as they are, but that we know the canon and want to have discussions about it as well.
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Studiomatic lance les premiers podcasts sur le mu…
Studiomatic lance les premiers podcasts sur le music business !
Si tu es musicien·ne, auteur.e, compositeur.trice, beatmaker, producteur.trice ou même manager, ce podcast est fait pour toi. Nous y dévoilons toutes les clés pour que tu puisses gérer et booster ta carrière musicale en toute autonomie, sur des thématiques diverses et variées : booking, production, communication, sponsoring, identité artistique et bien d'autres encore !
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KLOE Lighting offers rattan and pendant lights in boho, Modern Organic, and wabi-sabi styles, creating a warm and inviting living space. We are committed to high-quality, artisan-crafted products with sustainable materials and elegant designs.
Address: 15602 Detroit St, Houston, TX 77017, United States
Phone: (415) 689 8309
Hastags: #kloe, #kloelighting, #kloerattanlights, #kloerattanpendantlight
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Imaginary Worlds
Imaginary Worlds sounds like what would happen if NPR went to ComicCon and decided that’s all they ever wanted to cover. Host Eric Molinsky spent over a decade working as a public radio reporter and producer, and he uses those skills to create thoughtful, sound-rich episodes about science fiction, fantasy, and other genres of speculative fiction. Every other week, he talks with comic book artists, game designers, novelists, screenwriters, filmmakers, and fans about how they craft their worlds, why we suspend our disbelief, and what happens if the spell is broken. Imaginary worlds may be set on distant planets or parallel dimensions, but they are crafted here on Earth, and they’re always about us and our lived experiences.
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Anthology - The Twilight Zone, Science Fiction Theatre, and Sci-Fi Podcast
Podcast host Matt Hurt (Obsessive Viewer Podcasts) loves science fiction. Yet, he has never seen The Twilight Zone. Anthology is his attempt to rectify that and broaden his sci-fi horizons. Join him as each week, Matt shares his first impressions, analysis, and overall thoughts on episodes of Rod Serling’s iconic series in chronological order. He also pairs each review with a non-spoiler review of an episode of Science Fiction Theatre, a sci-fi anthology series hosted by Truman Bradley from 1955.
In bonus episode series, Matt covers each episode of modern sci-fi anthology series such as Black Mirror, Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams, Hulu’s Dimension 404, and (of course) CBS All-Access’ modern revival of The Twilight Zone produced and hosted by Jordan Peele.
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