Hosted by Raymond McCullough, in Belfast, Northern Ireland:  

with music from:

Dust Rhinos, (Manitoba, Canada) - 

'Until the Evening Ends', ( The Day After The Night Before 

The Elders, (Missouri, USA) - 

'Turnpike', (American Wake)


Harpeth Rising, (Tennessee, USA) -

'Last Honest Man', (Harpeth Rising 


Charlie Gear, (Florida, USA) - 

'I Feel Like You Do', (Ode To The Laurel Lass


Mark Easton, (Queensland, Australia) - 

'Money is the Root of All Evil', ( Money is the Root of All Evil


Eamonn Costello and Cathal Clohessy, (Ireland) - 

'Sergeant Early's Dream', (Bosca Ceoil and Fiddle


Judith Weikle, (Wyoming, USA) - 

'Farewell to Tarwathee', (Pirates, Poets and Patriots


Marita Brake, (Illinois, USA) - 

'By the River', ( The Celtic Rose)