Hosted by Raymond McCullough, in Belfast, Northern Ireland:  

with music from:

5 Second Rule, (Texas, USA) - 

'Fraher's/Humours of Ballyloughlin/Christmas Eve', (Buttered Side Down

Prattle on, rick, (Tennessee, USA) - 

'My Holiday', (Communion Bread)


Michael Tanenbaum, (Hawaii, USA) -

'Upcountry Boogie', (All Thumbs


Kyle Carey, (Rhode Island, USA) - 

'Gaol ise Gaol i', (Monongah


Sarana VerLin, (Michigan, USA) - 

'Kyrie', (Bats & Butterflies


Lucky Mud, (Florida, USA) - 

'Smell the Blood', (Underneath the Florida Moon


Moonrakers, (England, UK) - 

'Both Sides the Tweed', (Both Sides)


Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Celtic Roots Radio