Hosted by Raymond McCullough, in Belfast, Northern Ireland:
with music from:
The Sheridan Band, (Ontario, Canada) -
'Run around with me', (Running Wild)
Tartanic, (Texas, USA) -
'BAllz/Ringworm', (Unleashed)
Boston Blackthorne, (Massachussetts, USA) -
'So Early in the Spring/Red Haired Boy', (County Kerry to Kerry Park)
The Sarah Burnell Band, (Ontario, Canada) -
'Calliope', (single)
Sam Otis Hill & Co., (Massachussetts, USA) -
'My One And Only', (Sand And Gravel)
Rip Van Finnegan, (British Columbia, Canada) -
'The Peace of the Pipe', (Rip Van Finnegan)
Andina and Rich, (Wisconsin, USA) -
'Porchlight Blues', (Two Guitars, A Dulcimer and an Attitude)
Deborah Henriksson, (Vasteras, Sweden) -
'My Lagan Love', (The Heart's Cry)
Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Celtic Roots Radio