Hosted by Raymond McCullough, in Belfast, Northern Ireland:  


with music from:

Bill Grogan's Goat, (Michigan, USA) – 'Waxie's Dargle/Siege of Ennis', (Second Wind)


Eamonn Costello and Cathal Clohessy, (Ireland) – 'Aile Dhomhain', (Bosca Ceoil and Fiddle


Druid Roots, (Florida, USA) – 'Going Home', (Going Home


Papilio, (Nova Scotia, Canada) - 'Chorolations', (Emergence


Rachel Taylor-Beales, (Wales, UK) – 'Here We Go Now', (Dust And Gold)


Low Country Boys, (Northern Ireland, UK) – 'Farewell', (No Lang Tae Go

Ross Douglas, (Washington State, USA) – 'Here's to the Fools', (Caribou Eclectic) 


Marianne Green, (Northern Ireland, UK) – 'Tá Mé 'Mo Shuí', (Dear Irish Boy)


Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Celtic Roots Radio