Blood alcohol concentration Calculator
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a commonly used measure of alcohol intoxication, also known as drunkenness. It is typically expressed as a percentage of alcohol per volume of blood. For example, in the United States (US), a BAC of 0.08 (0.08%) would translate to 0.08 grams of alcohol per 100 mL of blood.
In the US, the legal limit for BAC when driving is 0.08%. Drivers who are over the age of 21 (the legal drinking age in the US), who have a BAC equal to or greater than 0.08%, can face penalties. Penalties for those under the age of 21 are stricter, but vary by state. For those under the age of 21, the legal limit ranges from 0.01% to 0.05%.
Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC, refers to the percentage of alcohol in a person's bloodstream, and can be measured within 30-70 minutes after drinking. Contrary to popular belief, nothing can lower BAC except time; coffee, cold showers, and chugging glasses of water will not help you sober up any faster. Curious what your BAC might be? Use our calculator to estimate, but don't forget that everyone metabolizes alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) differently. Our calculator can give you an approximate BAC level, but do not rely upon it to determine if you're fit to drive or work.
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