In a thought-provoking dialogue, Front-end Engineer Sandrina Pereira explores the importance of web accessibility and how remote work is shaping the future of the tech industry. She discusses her role in crafting server-side validations for forms and her company's initiative to formalize a web accessibility statement, underscoring's commitment to standards and improvement. Pereira also teases her upcoming presentation at Epic WebConf, aiming to demystify web accessibility with real-world examples and advocate for the consideration of diverse user abilities. Additionally, she reflects on the positive impact of remote work on inclusive hiring practices and the democratization of the tech field, as well as the significance of personal interactions at tech conferences.
Meet Sandrina at Epic Web Conf.
Guest: Sandrina Pereira
- Twitter: @a_sandrina_p
- GitHub: @sandrina-p
- Website:
Host: Kent C. Dodds
- Website:
- Twitter: @kentcdodds
- GitHub: @kentcdodds
- YouTube: Kent C. Dodds
- Epic Web: