I have the upmost respect for the celebrity chef Josh Marks. I have the honor of having him come on the show on this episode. On this episode,celebrity Chef Josh Marks from Season 3 of Master Chef will be coming on to do a question and answer show with our listerners. Call in and ask Chef Josh questions. He is an amazing chef and had a great time on Master Chef. It is my honor to have Chef Josh Marks on our show. He is also known as the 7 ft Chef and is very well known. He is now a top celebrity chef and is respected by many including me. On this show, we are looking for callers to call in and ask Chef Josh questions as well as a short interview. Enjoy the show and let's make this a great one.  I'll have a bowtie pesto alfredo recipe and a chicken ala orange recipe in store for you.
Check out his website which is amaxing..... heck, everything Josh does is Amazing!
Chef Cardinale's Cooking Show