Early On One Christmas Morn
Video of Our Version
Upbeat 1920’s Gospel Christmas Carol Song
made Popular by Bruce Cockburn-
written by Cotton Top Mountain Sanctified Singers
Frankie "Half Pint" Jaxon Chicago, first recorded August 28, 1929.
I think you’ll really like this song!
Free Mp3 @ the iTunes Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/christmas-carols-hymns-songs/id478047965?mt=2
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Our original Artwork has pictures of Jesus and Biblical scenes. Makes great Xmas gifts! We produce all of our Worship Music FREE. When you buy our artwork or donate via PayPal you help make this channel possible.
Our ministry is full-time. At this point ,we do not have any church financially supporting us. We continue to evangelize, and our worship music channel on here on YouTube has close to 2 million views, reaching into 234 nations(according to Google Analytics), and our free worship music on iTunes has somewhere around 250 songs we’ve produced. All our music is free; we never charge for our worship music, we thank all those who have given to support our ministry
FREE PRAISE & WORSHIP MUSIC-Check out our YouTube Channel Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvaeRbbfjpY&spfreload=10
Music © 2016 Shiloh Worship Music COPY FREELY;This Music is copyrighted to prevent misuse, however,permission is granted for non-commercial copying-Radio play permitted www.shilohworshipmusic.com
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Introducing Shiloh Worship Music. Original FREE Praise and Worship Music & more! Our style is very eclectic ranging from Messianic/Hebrew to Contemporary Worship to Messianic Worship to Bluegrass Gospel to Neo-Folk to Reggae to Celtic to African Style Worship,etc. Most songs Are in English, some songs are in English and Spanish, and a few songs have been translated into other languages like Hebrew, Swahili, French, Chinese, and Korean,Italian,Latin. Etc. We produce FREE Original Praise and Worship Music & Music Videos as well as Hymns & Gospel Songs in the Public Domain-Please check out our free Christian Worship Music on the iTunes Store
Free Christian Worship Music on the iTunes Store
Please check out our free Christian Worship Music on the iTunes Store. We offer 9 free Podcasts that contain our original worship music. Below are the links- if you like them you can subscribe FREE and receive new songs in the form of podcasts as they are released.
Free Bluegrass Gospel Hymns and Songs from Shiloh Worship Music. Old Standard Hymns and Songs as well as Original Bluegrass Gospel Songs.
FREE Contemporary Christian Worship
Original Worship music SUBSCRIBE in iTunes We Love Jesus, we are simple christian disciples of Jesus using our gifts to lavish our love and lives for Him. To point others to Jesus. our music is simple-most of these original songs are prayers to Jesus set to music. Although our music is copyrighted ©2000-2013 Shiloh Worship Music, to prevent misuse, feel free to pass this music around for any and all non-commercial use. Jesus said, "freely you have received, freely give!"
Publié le par Christmas Carols, Hymns and Songs Free
©2011-2012 Shiloh Worship Music
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