Les premières conquêtes féminines d’un jeune homme et la passion qu’il a pour son père. C’est l’histoire d’un jeune provincial, Luc qui monte à Paris pour passer le concours d’entrée à l’école Boulle. Dans la rue, Il y rencontre Djemila avec qui il vit une aventure. De retour chez son père, le jeune homme retrouve sa petite amie Geneviève alors que Djemila nourrit l’espoir de le revoir. Quand Luc est reçu à l’école Boulle, il s’en va pour Paris abandonnant derrière lui sa petite amie et l’enfant qu’elle porte…
- Critique du Film LE SEL DES LARMES
Publié le par LA FABRIK AUDIO / Florent Mounier
La Fabrik Audio
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

L'émission patchwork 100% AOC France
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Switchblade Sisters
Switchblade Sisters is a podcast providing deep cuts on genre flicks from a female perspective. Every week, film critic and screenwriter April Wolfe sits down with a phenomenal female film-maker to slice-and-dice a classic genre movie - horror, exploitation, sci-fi and many others! Along the way, they cover craft, the state of the industry, how films get made, and more. Mothers, lock up your sons, the Switchblade Sisters are coming!
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Maximum Film!
A movie podcast that isn't just a bunch of straight white dudes. Comedian Ify Nwadiwe is joined by film producer Drea Clark and film critic Alonso Duralde for a fast, funny, flight through film. Maximum Film! is news, reviews and in-depth insight, beamed directly into your ears every week.
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SPUN Stories
SPUN Stories is a live storytelling night in Darw…
SPUN Stories is a live storytelling night in Darwin, the capital city of Australia's Northern Territory! Join us and be transported to the wondrous backyards, communities and lives of Territory locals, where you'll hear illuminating stories that aren't ALL about crocodiles...
We'll introduce you to some of the fascinating characters who live in the NT and give you a peek into life in one of the most wild, unexpected and rewarding parts of Australia.
SPUN Stories is presented by StoryProjects, with funding support from Darwin International Airport.
Host + Producer - Jess Ong
Sound Production - Gaia Osborne
Executive Producer - Johanna Bell
Graphic Designer - Celia Neilson
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How Good It Is
A show that dives into the story behind the song. Find me at www.howgooditis.com
Each episode, I choose a song from the 50s through the 80s and dive into its history, the story behind the song and other items of interest. Find more stuff at www.howgooditis.com
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More Perfect
We’re taught the Supreme Court was designed to be above the fray of politics. But at a time when partisanship seeps into every pore of American life, are the nine justices living up to that promise? More Perfect is a guide to the current moment on the Court. We bring the highest court of the land down to earth, telling the human dramas at the Court that shape so many aspects of American life — from our religious freedom to our artistic expression, from our reproductive choices to our voice in democracy.
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