Edith Heard
Collège de France
Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire
Cours 2023-2024
Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Can Science and Its Benefits Be Shared Globally? How Medical Science Can Be Used in Developing Countries
Harold E. Varmus
Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine
In the final lecture, I will talk about the ways in which parts of the scientific enterprise are trying to create a world in which the opportunities to be a scientist and to share the benefits of science are available everywhere. I will talk about several initiatives, supported by governments or philanthropies, that either promote science as a global activity or improve access to advances in health care made possible by science. The initiatives will include examples funded by the US government, French-American collaborations, the World Health Organization, and others, to reduce the toll taken by malaria, cancers, and other diseases.