Claudine Tiercelin

Métaphysique et philosophie de la connaissance

Année 2022-2023

Colloque - Virtual and Augmented Realities: Epistemological and Metaphysical Issues : Mona Lisa in the Matrix


Katalin Farkas, Central European University, Vienna


It is customary to think that certain entities have irreplaceable value. The group of these entities include for example art works like the Mona Lisa, family heirlooms of great emotional significance, and, of course, people. In this talk, I investigate in what sense we can have irreplaceable virtual objects.


Virtual Reality technology affords its users a strongly immersive and interactive experience of computer-generated environments, through a dedicated headset. With Augmented Reality devices, 3D computer-generated imagery is projected onto physical space, thereby "augmenting" the user's surroundings with an overlay of virtual entities. These "Extended Reality" (XR) technologies are likely to become a part of our everyday life in the near future. They also raise a host of fascinating issues, which have increasingly been discussed in the recent philosophical literature. This international conference will investigate the metaphysical and epistemological questions raised by XR technologies.

Le colloque est intégralement en anglais et a eu lieu les 5 et 6 juin au Collège de France